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Cash Van Services

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The Imperative of Cash Van

Money has always been the primary target of criminals. So, therefore, the protection of cash should be given a high priority. Criminals in pursuit of cash are in many instances armed with Firearms, iron rods, latest weapons or other dangerous weapons. There have been many instances where people handling/carrying cash have been killed or seriously injured at the hand of armed criminals.

It is vital that personal security should be a major importance & for that people are taking the services from a reliable security Agency to avoid any misshapenness.

Asian Security & Intelligence Ltd.: An ISO 9001-2000 Certified Organization

ASIL is engaged in Cash Van / manned Services Since 1997. A Very highly set up qualified team of professionals drawn from the highest echelon of the Indian Army, Police, and Intelligence and from the security & Safety services, manage the ASIL.

Cash Van Services By ASIL

Asil has launched the first time ever in India for Public Interest it’s Bullet /Non-Bullet Proof cash Vehicle services with Solid Locking System and the efficient modern communication system. The objective is to reduce the response time for the prevention of crime and to reduce losses in case one does take place.

Our Advice

If cash risk is substantial, consider using the services of a reliable and trustworthy agency like Asian Security & Intelligence ltd.

People involved in the movement of cash should be alert at all the times and should anything arouse their suspicion they should take our emergency services.

Trip to the bank, where possible should be made by car. Able-bodied persons should carry out this task. (Asil is able to provide you PSO as well as Armed vehicle.)

Precautions should begin with varying, as much as possible, time & routs of such journeys

Do not use a tell-tale canvas bag for cash. Shockproof Electronic Bag can be used for the same.

Get A Solutions For All High Security