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Security Services

Our Security Services

The company is in position to meet manpower requirements from a single source to a group. The prime objective of Asian security & intelligence Ltd. is to accept any challenge with high moral. The company can extent service almost anywhere round. This is being possible entirely due to result of long experience and proper management of Labour, workers, skilled work force and Security Staff.

Why you choose Us?

  • Constant supervision of the guards at no extra cost due to the visit by Manager Operations, Area Managers and field officers.
  • On the job training at the post regularly to include knowledge of the guard about his duty, reactions in the event of contingency and capability of the guarding team.
  • Creating and maintaining a “Security presence” and high visibility by various means in order to determine and to give visitors and staff a comfortable and secure feeling with the client’s premises.
  • Our entire operational staff is equipped with mobile phones for prompt communication.
  • Availability of advice to the client on all security-related matters.
  • To ensure a high degree of alertness, a system of surprise checks has been instituted; Asian Security & Intelligence Ltd. systems of internal audit are directly under Manager operations who ensures prompt action for smooth functioning. He checks all posts of his zone at least once in a month.
  • We have dedicated force of field officers who carry out checking of all posts 2-3 times a week, including night checking. Supervisors render a regular report on the performance of each post.
  • To avoid over familiarization, the guards are rotated on a regular basis. However, in case of a specific requests from the client, a guard may be permitted to continue the stipulated time.

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